The King´s men. La compañía de Shakespeare.


Prof. Lucy Munro

King´s College (UK)


Sábado 17 de Abril. 17hs.


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La profesora Lucy Munro, reconocida por sus excelentes investigaciones dialogará sobre su libro “The King´s men. Shakespeare´s Company”. Su estudio sobre la conformación de la compañía de Shakespeare, los roles de sus integrantes o la elección de las obras a representar ha sido muy elogiado por los expertos en la materia.

Actualmente es profesora en el King´s College de Londres (UK).

Professor Lucy Munro will discuss her book “The King’s Men. Shakespeare Company ”. His study of the conformation of Shakespeare’s company, the roles of its members or the choice of the plays to be performed has been highly praised by experts in the field.

She is currently a professor at King’s College London (United Kingdom).

Lucy Munro is Professor of Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature at King’s College London. She convenes the MA in Shakespeare Studies, run collaboratively between King’s and Shakespeare’s Globe, and is a member of the Globe’s Architecture Research Group. She is a trustee of the Shakespeare Association of America and President of the Marlowe Society of America. Her publications include three books: Children of the Queen’s Revels: A Jacobean Theatre Repertory(2005), Archaic Style in English Literature, 1590-1674 (2013) and, most recently, Shakespeare in the Theatre: The King’s Men (2020). With Sonia Massai she has edited Hamlet: The State of Play, which is forthcoming in April 2021. She has edited plays such as Shakespeare and Wilkins’s Pericles, Fletcher’s The Tamer Tamed and Dekker, Ford and Rowley’s The Witch of Edmonton. Her edition of The Gentleman of Venice for The Complete Works of James Shirley is forthcoming this year, and she is currently working on an edition of The First Part of Henry IV for the Arden Shakespeare’s fourth series. She is a member of two collaborative research projects, ‘Before Shakespeare’ ( and ‘Engendering the Stage’ (, which uses archival research and practice-as-research to examine gendered performance in the early modern period.